
Who are we granting too in 2022?
Indigenous communities in the Arctic
What do we need from you?
Submit a Letter of Interest in 500 words or less. Please tell us about your project and how your work will benefit Indigenous communities. A 3-minute video or audio submission is also acceptable.
Please make sure to include the following in your submission:
What is your name, organization's name and location?
What is the project purpose?
What is your vision?
How does it benefit Indigenous communities?
How much are we granting?
The AIF intends to give out 3 grants at approximately $40,000 USD each. This amount is flexible, please specify your grant needs:
$10,000-$20,000 USD
$20,000-$30,000 USD
$30,000-$40,000 USD
Other: __________________ (Please specify).
Include the amount in your letter with a brief explanation of your grant needs.
When is the deadline?
December 13, 2021
Please submit to our AIF email
Enaa baasee' - Denaakk'e (Koyukon) 'Awa'ahdah - Eyak Baasee' - Holikachuk Chin'an - Dena'ina
Dogedinh - Deg Xinag (Deg Hit'an) Nt'oyaxsn - Tsimshian Gunalchéesh - Tlingit Háw'aa - Haida
Igamsiqanaghalek - Siberian Yupik Basi' - Lower Tanana Mahsi' choo - Gwich'in Mahsi' - Hän Gwich'in
Mosiy' / Tsen'anh - Upper Kuskokwim Tsin'aen - Ahtna Tsin'ęę - Tanacross Tsen'ii (Upper Tanana)
Qagaasakung - Unangax (Aleut) Quyana - Yup'ik/Cup'ik Quyanaasinaq - Sugpiaq (Alutiiq) Quyanaqpak – Inupiaq