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Who are we granting too in 2022?


Indigenous communities in the Arctic




What do we need from you?

Submit a Letter of Interest in 500 words or less. Please tell us about your project and how your work will benefit Indigenous communities. A 3-minute video or audio submission is also acceptable.



Please make sure to include the following in your submission:


  • What is your name, organization's name and location?

  • What is the project purpose?

  • What is your vision?

  • How does it benefit Indigenous communities?




How much are we granting?


The AIF intends to give out 3 grants at approximately $40,000 USD each. This amount is flexible, please specify your grant needs:


  1. $10,000-$20,000 USD

  2. $20,000-$30,000 USD

  3. $30,000-$40,000 USD

  4. Other: __________________ (Please specify).



Include the amount in your letter with a brief explanation of your grant needs. 



When is the deadline?


December 13, 2021



Please submit to our AIF email

              Enaa baasee' - Denaakk'e (Koyukon)                        'Awa'ahdah - Eyak                           Baasee' - Holikachuk                          Chin'an - Dena'ina

                 Dogedinh - Deg Xinag (Deg Hit'an)                       Nt'oyaxsn - Tsimshian                      Gunalchéesh - Tlingit                          Háw'aa - Haida

Igamsiqanaghalek - Siberian Yupik                            Basi' - Lower Tanana                       Mahsi' choo - Gwich'in                          Mahsi' - Hän Gwich'in

Mosiy' / Tsen'anh - Upper Kuskokwim                         Tsin'aen - Ahtna                               Tsin'ęę - Tanacross                                Tsen'ii (Upper Tanana)

                   Qagaasakung - Unangax (Aleut)                          Quyana - Yup'ik/Cup'ik                 Quyanaasinaq - Sugpiaq (Alutiiq)           Quyanaqpak – Inupiaq

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Supporting Indigenous communities in the Arctic

Our Contact

4903 49th Street - 3rd Floor

PO Box 2392

Yellowknife, NT. X1A 2P1

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