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Arctic Indigenous Fund Logo Icon Only CMYK.jpg

Arctic Indigenous Fund 

is now accepting submissions for grants up to $40, 000.00!



Who are we granting to in 2021-2022?

Indigenous communities in Nunavut, Yukon & Northwest Territories. 



How much are we granting?

Grants are flexible and can range from $5,000 - $40,000. 



What do we need from you?

Letter of Interest (~500 words) 


Video Submission (~3 minutes)


Audio Submission (~3 minutes)


...telling us about your project and how Indigenous People will be supported.

Please specify the amount you are requesting along with a
a concise explanation of your grant needs.


What to include in your letter?

What is your name, organization's name and location?

What is the project purpose?

What is your vision?
How does it benefit Indigenous Peoples?
Is your project Indigenous-led?



Deadline: December 13, 2021

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