What does it mean to be a Steering Committee Member with the Arctic Indigenous Fund?
As part of the Steering Committee, members will have the opportunity to provide support, guidance and oversight of the Arctic Indigenous Fund's initiative and goals. Members will play a key role in being apart of strategic planning for the future of the Fund.
Our goal is to fill FOUR positions, one in each region: Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland and Sapmi
What we need from a Steering Committee Member:
Meet virtually 2-4 times a year
Be able to give a strong time commitment
Be available on a day in and day out basis
Someone who can collaborate well with staff
Has some board experience to oversight staff and management
Willing to volunteer time without compensation
Knowledge of Arctic Indigenous cultures
Be available for yearly international travel
We are an Indigenous-led fund- Only Indigenous submissions will be considered
Please send a letter of interest to Manager@ArcticIndigenousFund.com