Grant Partners
Grant Cycle Year One - 2019
The Arctic Indigenous Fund have been working to develop their own uniquely Northern grant making strategy. For their first year of grantmaking they are supporting Indigenous language organizations across the Arctic.​
Following our Healing Through Language Knowledge Exchange in Bethel Alaska, the AIF Advisors were excited to support the amazing language work we learned was happening in Sweden, Finland, Alaska, Nunavut and Greenland.
Grant Cycle Year Two - 2020
What a great grant cycle for the second year at Arctic Indigenous Fund! In year one of the grant cycle at AIF, they were able to grant out to seven organizations. In year two, AIF had made a huge jump to granting to 21 organizations with four covid relief funds during the pandemic.
The staff and advisors had met together in 2019 for the Annual Meeting in Norway on the Sami territory. Together they chose to try a new way of granting of doing an open call for letters of interest and submitting a proposal. AIF is proud of their work by being able to support their chosen theme of supporting Indigenous Youth. They chose this theme to create opportunities in their communities in a positive way. With the support of the grants, they hoped to empower the youth to feel a sense of successful accomplishment and pride in their heritage or community. This funding can help by strengthening integrity, identity, and discipline innovation entreneurship for youth while also healing their community and provide the resources for our people to live healthy and thriving lives. The youth are our future.
Grant Cycle Year Three - 2021